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Nós fazemos incríveis #websites #logos #impressos #ecommerces #conteúdo para redes sociais

Faça o seu negócio brilhar com a Zavros.

Sobre nós

A Zavros oferece uma abordagem abrangente e especializada de marketing digital para pequenas empresas.

Nosso foco é refinado por meio da exploração e implementação de estratégias de mídias sociais personalizadas e exclusivas.

Temos a experiência para transformar o seu negócio!

Uma abordagem especializada que é adaptada às suas necessidades e objetivos.

Siga nossas redes socias:


Agência digital completa. Tudo que o seu negócio precisa em um só lugar

Logo Design

Criamos um logotipo único que combina criatividade e pesquisa para deixar uma impressão inesquecível em seu público.


Transforme suas ideias em materiais impressos atraentes, de cartões a camisetas, causando um impacto off-line.


Alcance uma presença on-line profissional sem esforço com sites fáceis de usar e eficazes para a marca.


Aumente as vendas on-line com nossas soluções integradas de comércio eletrônico para o sucesso do seu negócio.

Redes Sociais

Aprimore sua marca online com gerenciamento especializado de mídia social, promovendo crescimento e uma presença online forte.


Confira alguns dos nossos trabalhos!

Clique em cada logo para ver tudo o que fizemos para cada cliente.

Nossa Equipe

Conheça sua nova equipe de marketing.

Marina Martins

Diretora de Criação

Marina Martins é a presidente da Zavros Digital Media Company, tendo como missão construir a presença social de todos os seus clientes. Com formação em cinema e experiência em videografia, fotografia e branding, Marina desenvolveu um olhar atento para conteúdo visualmente atraente popular nas redes sociais. Sua abordagem orientada para o consumidor em marketing move pessoas, não apenas produtos.


Mazen Mbayed


Mazen Mbayed se formou na Baruch College com foco em desenvolvimento de negócios. Após expandir a Dariasons Inc para uma empresa multimilionária, Mazen juntou-se à Zavros Media para controlar as operações e garantir que os clientes obtenham os resultados prometidos. Mazen adota uma abordagem lógica para a gestão operacional e valoriza o trabalho de qualidade acima de tudo.


Marco Nascimento


Marco Nascimento juntou-se à Zavros Digital Media Company como CMO trazendo consigo mais de 10 anos de trabalho, estudo e experiência em marketing e design. Marco tem a habilidade de fornecer para a Zavros e seus clientes habilidades e crescimento, mantendo o foco no objetivo de vender mais, vender melhor, aumentar a presença online e o engajamento digital.

Descubra o que nossos clientes estão dizendo sobre nós.



Aqui estão alguns conteúdos para ajudar a melhorar o seu negócio.


Agende hoje mesmo uma consulta de marketing gratuita para obter mais informações sobre nossos serviços e pacotes.

All rights reserved, 2022.
Developed by Zavros Digital Media Company


One stop digital company.

Developed. Designed. Branded.

Build an online presence for small businesses and restaurants!

Book a free marketing consultation today
for more information on our services and packages.

About us

It's a pleasure to meet you.

Zavros provides an all-encompassing and specialized approach to digital marketing for the hospitality industry refined through exploration and implementation of new and unique social media strategies. 

Refined through years of development and implementation of social media strategies, we have the experience to transform your business

A specialized approach that is tailored to your needs and goals.


One stop digital company. Developed. Designed. Branded.

Website Development

Designing and developing user-friendly and chic websites on wordpress which are hosted and maintained by Zavros.

Website Development

With our help, redesign your website to attract more customers to your business today. Dedicated designer who creates the website before developing and hosting using wordpress. Benefits: • Impact: Leave a positive and memorable impression on the customer • Goal: Website designed to perfection while keeping it user friendly • CMS: Applying a Content Management System (CMS) that allows clients to update and manage the websites easily.

Digital Transformation

A complete digital transformation by keeping up with the new trends but showcasing your worth.

Digital Transformation

A wide range digital transition starting with brand analysis, including graphic transformations of logos, flyers, cards and more. Experience a change and unlock your unexplored potential. Brand analysis: - Conducting an analysis to address inefficiencies and redundancies. - Creating a digital transformation roadmap to ensure the evolution of the brand. - Understanding and planning a budget to rebrand.

Content Marketing

Complete content production for all the social media platforms, aiming to increase your reach and engagement.

Content Marketing

Content created to market YOU. When it comes to marketing, the content speaks volumes. Therefore, we create content tailored to a specific niche as per your requirements, and run ad campaigns on social media platforms like: - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, and Pinterest - Blogs - Photographs, videos, graphics and more.

Logo Design

A classic logo design after a detailed brand analysis that reflects your visions.

Logo Design

A logo is more than a mark. Going beyond the template, striving to create something unique to your business, we create a perfect logo for you which is aesthetic yet modern. Get in touch with us for a detailed proposal on your logo and start on your custom logo design today.

Social Media Marketing

Marketing to your audience pool, we have targeted strategies to promote your business on all social media platforms.

Social Media Marketing

Having an effective social media marketing strategy in place can propel your company to new heights. However, it can be difficult to keep up with all of the new features and updates. Furthermore, if you are new to social media, you may not be taking advantage of its full potential. We provide tailored social media marketing services focusing on promotional content. Our services focus on boosting sales, creating a solid brand awareness and creating relationships with the customers.

Customer Engagement

Enhancing the experience and building a loyal customer base.

Customer Engagement

Successful interactions with customers requires a sophisticated approach. Our strategies are formed to provide a seamless and enjoyable, personalised customer experience, ensuring proper response and engagement. Moreover, forming relationships with prospects like critics, influencers and more to grow your business.

Photography and Video

Special photography and videography services to showcase your best products and create original content for your social media.

Photography and Video

Tell your story through quality photos and videos. At Zavros, you will find the best service that showcases YOU through imagery. From creative and fun activities, to engaging content and documenting process, we provide the complete services to your needs. Specializing in food photography, action photography, interior photography or social media content, at Zavros, you will find the perfect solution for marketing.